Another Klassic Review of a Game Already Beaten Millions of Times.

Well I had been playing this for about a month, it was my third time trying to play through the whole thing in the past three years. This time I did it, in a approximatly 53 hours and I enjoyed every hour of it. The plot was as good as expected in any Final Fantasy game and they graphics were nice little mid 90's sprites which I have always been quite partial towards. I was a level 54 squire at the end of the game and killed Altima in two hits. The first hit was with a Stasis sword from Orlandu hitting somewhere around 700-800 damage then an Attack from me at around 990-1100 damage (with ragnarok equipped straight and used scream three times)
There was one disappointment with the ending for me and that was that I couldn't continue to play my data and finish the cloud subquest like I had originally planned to do. This really made me upset because I could see sooooooooooooo much post final boss play value in the game with all the treasure hunting and discovery levels. I heard someone talking about a ten level dungeon after the final boss but all I got was the credits, a nice FMV sequence and a return to the title screen. If anyone knows how I can continue to play and go to the 10 level dungeon and stuff please tell me.
This is what my party looked like...

Punch Art
Auto Potion
Move HP-up

All Sword Skill
Battle Skill
Gained JP-up (I think)
Move HP-up

Auto Potion
Gained JP-up
Move HP-up

White Magic
Auto Potion
Throw Item
Move HP-up

Punch Art
Auto Potion
Equip Armor
Move HP-up
At 5:36 PM,
Aaron said…
nah i had a flickr account. but the idea of putting the pictures online did come from you. wheres my banner that you said you would make?
At 11:30 AM,
Aaron said…
i just went in to the template thing and changed it a bit
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