Music and such
Well, right now this blog looks like shit but im working on it (one of the reasons i made it was to improve my skills with CSS)
I am almost always listening to music and so I figure i'll talk about some of the albums that I have really been diggin' lately
First off is dub housing by Pere Ubu, this is the third album I torrented (what do you think I have money) by them, it is also their thrid ever release. Pere Ubu spawned off of Rocket from the Tombs and shows many proto punk influences. Most of their stuff is extremely experimental and Dub Housing is even more (imho) than The Modern Dance and New Picnic Time (the other albums I own).

Tales form Topographic Oceans by Yes is absolutly insane, it is mostly instrumental and all of the songs are just shy of or more than 20 minutes long. There are 4 songs and every single one of them is amazing. This is an album you can put on and let the whole thing jsut play through, you could easily let it play through a second time too. All the tracks seem to blend into eachother and take your mind somewhere else.
Well im pretty much done for this one thanks for reading
I am almost always listening to music and so I figure i'll talk about some of the albums that I have really been diggin' lately

Tales form Topographic Oceans by Yes is absolutly insane, it is mostly instrumental and all of the songs are just shy of or more than 20 minutes long. There are 4 songs and every single one of them is amazing. This is an album you can put on and let the whole thing jsut play through, you could easily let it play through a second time too. All the tracks seem to blend into eachother and take your mind somewhere else.
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