Well Hell froze over last week so I quit Everquest 2 and went to WoW. I ONLY DID IT BECAUSE EVERYONE I KNEW WHO PLAYED EQ2 SWITCHED TO WOW AND I HAD NOONE TO PLAY WITH ANYMORE. But I thought I would make the change without looking back but I didnt. Now WoW is just dandy but I'm so tempted to log onto my eq2 account and just walk around. What's weird is that I don't really want to do anything in particular in eq2 I just want to walk around. As a game I have alot of memories with eq2 (yes I develope memories with games SO WHAT) I want to walk through Freeport or go back to Rivervale and I want to listen to all the music and stuff again. I probably want to do this becasue I have been playing eq2 since launch almost and I stopped so abruptly. Well to get it out of my system I am going to make a Flickr gallery with all of my eq2 screen shots that I have taken in the past year and a half.
The galley can be found
here (I will make another post when I finish the gallery because I have ALOT of screenshots on about 4 different computers)
Also here are my final stats for my eq2 account
my main:
Ajaat, Darkelf, level 49 Shadowknight/level 19 craftsmen, guild: Storms of Vengeance, server: Lucan D'Lere
alt 1:
Kebehael, Half Elf, level 30 troubador/36 armorer, guild: The Talisman, Server: Antonia Bayle
alt 2:
Nilomo, Gnome, level 17 Wizard/12 scholar, guild: Storms of Vengeance, Server: Lucan D'Lere
alt 3:
Ajaat, Darkelf, level 17 bruiser/unskilled, guild: Ebonheart, Server: Venekor
alt 4:
Ofias, Highelf, level 15 Illusionist/17 outfitter, guild: Storms of Vengeance, server: Lucan D'Lere
alt 5:
Esici, Erudite, level 12 warden/level 11 craftsmen, guild: The Talisman, server: Antonia Bayle
And a tribute to my old characters who I have sicne deleted
Xandrir: my first character was a level 18 berserker/level 11 outfitter
Jebi: my second character was a level 20 or 21 i forget conjuror/unskilled
Ujae: my first PvP character was like a 14 paladin I didnt like paladin becasue it was like a shadowknight but not as good.
Now about WoW I currently have a level 19 Night Elf Hunter, a level 11 human warrior, and a level 8 gnome warlock all on the Illidan server. So far I like the game alot there are alot of things in it that eq2 lacks but soemthings that eq2 does better. Now I'm a bad writter I'm more of a "List Maker" (see above ie. my characters descriptions and below my Final Fantasy Tactics "Review")
so I don't think I'm going to write of comparisons (and I am very lazy). But like WoW's world is ALOT bigger but there are alot less class/race combinations. Also becasue the graphics are alot less demanding there is ALOT less lag.
Well that's about it if you want to give me money and play on the Illidan server my name is Ajaat.