Hans Blog of Fun Talkery

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Jay Jay and the Funky Schoolbus the button

yes i have made aaron a button for his blog

also my new cat parker prefers to attack me when I am listening to Bob Dylan

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Thursday, August 10, 2006

2cool4school: The Blog

It has been created... (click the here to go there) for some reason the crack man gives you a 404 I am going to make a gam ewhere you can kill the crack man for being an unreliable bastard

I totally stole this post more than that post Aaron stole...

aaron edited it and did everyhting but it was my idea for a show, i think im actually breaking an internet law posting this before aaorn does hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

UPDATE OH NOES someone hax00red it

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I was thinking about my template and how I sort of just put it together really fast over about 3 days, and it really doesn't have much of a theme/colour scheme, so I'm thinking about redoing it and giving it more of a modern website look as in like the sleek bubbly look with diagonal strips and arrows oh boy. Yeah, I'm putting a poll thing on the side.

Also on another site idea. To prevent off topic comments on posts I'm going to make a comment button type thing to my side-bar which will send a comment to my first post or a blank post I will make that is only for miscellaneous comments.